butter cupcakes | how to bake cupcakes step by step | homemade easy cupcake

 they are the simple major things  and steps needed to prepare the cupcakes,

                       ⇒ 100g (4oz) caster sugar

                       ⇒ 100g (4oz) butter, mellowed

                       ⇒  2 huge eggs

                       ⇒  100g (4oz) self-raising flour

                       ⇒  ½ tsp baking powder

                       ⇒ 15ml (1tbsp) milk

                       ⇒  50g (2oz) butter, mellowed

                       ⇒   75g (3oz) icing sugar

                       ⇒   2tbsp strawberry jam

                       ⇒  Icing sugar, for cleaning

                       ⇒ strawberry  


         1.  Preheat the stove to 190C, gas 5. Line a biscuit plate with 10 paper biscuit cases.

         2.  place the sugar, butter, eggs, flour, baking powder and milk in a huge bowl and blend in with an electric blender until pale and smooth.

         3.  Separate the blend between the biscuit cases and heat for 15-20 mins until risen, golden and firm to the touch. Move to a cooling rack. Leave to cool.

         4.  To make the buttercream, place the butter in a dumbfound and filter the icing sugar. Beat until smooth.

          5. Cut the finishes off each cake and fill the holes with a little buttercream and jam. Cut each cut top down the middle and organize on the filling to look like butterfly wings. dust delicately with icing sugar.
          6. And place the strawberry at the top of the cupcake

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